Lesson Learned.

First off, I’d like to apologize. To who? Anyone who is taking the time to read this. Why apologize? You’ll understand as you read along. It might not be this post specifically, but if you keep coming back, you’ll understand eventually.

I actively stopped blogging regularly back in 2012. This was to attempt to accomplish two things. First, I had essentially caught up to myself. Let me explain.

I attempt to write my blogs in such a way that I would call both introspective, and entertaining, while still having some sort of a “make you think” attitude. What I mean is that I try to take a perspective, often from a personal experience, and relate it to as many people as I can. While that might seem obvious, and easy to say. It is far more difficult than you think. Try it, you’ll see.

Anyway, to get back on track. As I put it, I managed to ‘catch up to myself’. In that I had already written about all of the experiences and perspectives that I had in the past. These were the experiences that I already had time to dissect, evaluate, and create my own understanding of it. These blog posts managed to come across exactly as planned, and were well received.

Once I ‘caught up to myself’, I found myself writing blogs about experiences that had just happened, or were still happening. Since I wasn’t removed from them long enough, I had no time to properly go through them, and wrap them up with a nice little bow. These blog posts were equally popular, but for drastically different reasons. These ones were often controversial, and much discussed among my peers. Many times leading to a certain amount of explanation after the fact, and defending my own points. Which wasn’t something the blog was meant to do, which at the time, made me uncomfortable. Not because I had to actively defend myself, that’s a necessity of having opinions. I was just at a point in life that I didn’t even understand what was happening around me. As a result, I lacked the confidence to keep pushing forward, and I took a step back. Many things have changed since then, so I’m able to write from a more meaningful, and comfortable, yet still opinionated, point of view.

Second to the main point, consciously removing myself from the blogging process for over two years has allowed me to have new experiences, and develop the writing skills necessary to accomplish my original task. Everything comes around in different ways, and now that I can actively relate experiences I’m having now, to ones I’ve already had in the past, there’s a middle ground between the two that I feel like my blog can exist. Both with an adequate amount of information, and a necessary amount of opinion.

I don’t ever claim to have all of the knowledge about everything I talk about, or write about, or believe in. It’s simply just that, I have faith in it. I’m also not afraid to change my mind about what I believe. I know I can be wrong, but I’m just not afraid to be wrong. I’d rather be wrong then not have faith.

So to wrap it up, I’m blogging again.
My next post won’t take so long.
Thanks for being patient.


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